World Wildlife Day
Frey Vineyards Frey Vineyards

World Wildlife Day

In honor of World Wildlife Day, we thought it would be appropriate to share more about the Frey Nature Reserve. As a practice of learning about the wildlife that also calls this land home, we have set up critter cams to help us see who is here, how they behave, and where they are drawn to. We then like to make videos (both short and long form) to share with you so that you can also see our neighbors!

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Biodynamics Podcast
Molly Frey Molly Frey

Biodynamics Podcast

We made a Biodynamics podcast for everyone who has ever been curious about what Biodynamics mean, and how it applies to the wines you love. Frey Vineyards is the first certified Biodynamic Winery in the USA! We wanted to share more about what it means to be certified Biodynamic and how that contributes to some truly excellent wine! The field of Biodynamics explores a rich world of connection to the earth, to the cycles of life, and to a true terroir in the world of wine. Join us for this episode of the Frey Vines podcast as we dive into all things Biodynamic!

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Rethink Your Drink
Frey Vineyards Frey Vineyards

Rethink Your Drink

If you haven’t been buying organics for one reason or another, it may be time to rethink your drink. Besides the overwhelming evidence to suggest that organic agriculture is better for the planet and produces a higher quality product (specifically one that tests cleaner for pesticide, insecticide, and fungicide residues), we think you should rethink your drink for the following compelling reasons.

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Organic Grapes Podcast
Molly Frey Molly Frey

Organic Grapes Podcast

Episode 2 of the Frey Vines Podcast continues to tell the story of Organic Grapes! There wasn't always an organic certification. In fact, when the Frey's first established Frey Vineyards, there wasn't a federal way to ensure that a product was organic. Today, thanks in large part to the education and activism of the Frey family, there is not only a federal organic certification for wine but also a growing number of wineries that are going organic! Learn more about how we helped pioneer the Organic wine movement in the USA by listening to our “Organic Grapes” epsiode.

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No Sugar Added
Frey Vineyards Frey Vineyards

No Sugar Added

All our wines are made with no sugar added during the fermentation process. Rest assured that the only ingredients that go into Frey wines are the grapes themselves! Because we are committed to making all of our wines “no sugar added” wines, we rely on the sweetness of grape juice alone to sustain fermentation into wine.

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The Frey Vines Podcast “Organic Origins”
Molly Frey Molly Frey

The Frey Vines Podcast “Organic Origins”

Welcome to the pilot episode “Organic Origins” of Frey Vines, the podcast devoted to telling the story of organic wine! We’re thrilled to introduce this podcast to all your favorite listening platforms so that you can learn about Frey Vineyards, the first Organic Winery in the USA from the Freys themselves! As pioneers in Organic & Biodynamic wine, we created this podcast because we wanted to share our family’s process of building something special here in Mendocino County, the greenest American Viticultural Area (or AVA for short) in California. Wine Enthusiast declared Mendocino the AVA of the year for 2024 largely because of the wonderful, sustainably produced, and award-winning wines coming out of this beautiful region of Northern California. 

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Fizzy Chard
Frey Vineyards Frey Vineyards

Fizzy Chard

We wanted to create a delightful and zippy cheerfulness for the palate – hence Fizzy Chard was born. This bubbly concoction is our first dive into effervescence, and we hope you’ll enjoy tickling your taste buds with this California bubbly as much as we do. Millions of bubbles are bottled up and ready for you to open!

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American Wine Region of the Year
Frey Vineyards Frey Vineyards

American Wine Region of the Year

Wine Enthusiast has awarded Mendocino County the American Wine Region of the Year for 2024! Yay!!! As a long time Mendocino County winery, we are delighted by this honor. As pioneers in the Organic Wine movement, we’re proud to be located in Mendocino County, California’s Greenest AVA (American Viticultural Area). Thanks to Wine Enthusiast for seeing us and bestowing this accolade on Mendocino County!

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Late Harvest Zin
Frey Vineyards Frey Vineyards

Late Harvest Zin

Once in a blue moon, the conditions are just right at harvest to plan for a Late Harvest Zinfandel. This means that grapes can hang on the vine long enough for their sugars to rise to optimal Brix and the dream of a heavenly dessert wine begins fermenting. But an early frost or a torrential rain can ruin even the best-laid plans by compromising the tender fruit. The 2022 harvest was one of those lucky years, and we were able to bring a delectable dessert wine to fruition! It’s been 15 years since we had a Late Harvest Zin vintage, and the time-lapse makes this new release all the more special.

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Orange Beard
Frey Vineyards Frey Vineyards

Orange Beard

Frey Vineyards is releasing our first orange wine this Fall, and we’re calling it “Orange Beard” to celebrate the orange that several Frey men have in their beards. For those of you who aren’t familiar with orange wines, they are a unique “skin-contact” wine that involves leaving the grape skins on the white wine grapes (for a time) during the winemaking process. Red wine is made with the skins on, white wine is made with the skins off, and orange wine is made with white wine grapes with the skins left on to produce a gorgeous orange color.

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Organic Winemaking
Frey Vineyards Frey Vineyards

Organic Winemaking

You can trust that every bottle of Frey wine embodies the pinnacle of organic winemaking. As the first certified Organic winery in the USA, we have pioneered the organic standard in the United States. When we became bonded as a winery in 1980, there wasn’t a nationwide certification for organic wine. We helped start the Organic Wine movement over forty years ago, and we continue to bring you the highest quality wines available today. Not only do we make our wine with organic grapes, but we also make our wines organically, too. All organic, all the way: at every step Frey wines embody the strictest, gold standard of organics.

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Biodynamic Winemaking
Frey Vineyards Frey Vineyards

Biodynamic Winemaking

To be certified Biodynamic, a wine must be made with Biodynamic grapes and processed with Biodynamic winemaking practices. The Biodynamic grapes are grown near where they are produced to optimize the holistic land connection and offer a true terroir to the finished wine. Frey Vineyards is the first certified Biodynamic Winery in the USA! Cheers to Biodynamic wine!

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Biodynamic Vineyard
Frey Vineyards Frey Vineyards

Biodynamic Vineyard

As Biodynamic pioneers, all of the grapes at the Frey Vineyards home ranch are grown on a biodynamic vineyard. Visiting the Frey home property in Redwood Valley, California, you’ll find a deep devotion to Biodynamic agriculture! Frey Vineyards is the first Biodynamic certified winery in the country! We maintain all of our local vineyards biodynamically. This year, we join the worldwide Biodynamic movement in celebrating the 100th anniversary of Biodynamic Agriculture.

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Wines that are Sulfite Free
Frey Vineyards Frey Vineyards

Wines that are Sulfite Free

Many of you have found Frey because you were looking for wines that are sulfite free. Some of you are allergic to sulfites, making Frey wine one of the only wines you can enjoy. Some of you are committed to organic winemaking and want an organic wine that is organically produced from the grapes to the glass. Whatever brought you here, we are committed to bringing you the best, no-sulfites-added wines on the market. 

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Is Wine Healthy?
Frey Vineyards Frey Vineyards

Is Wine Healthy?

Is wine healthy for you? Scientists have been debating whether drinking wine in moderation is a healthy practice for many, many years. There is a wealth of scientific evidence to suggest that drinking responsibly has some substantial health benefits. Let's look at why Frey is a clean drink and what the scientific community has to say about the benefits of wine.

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The Art of Gentle Winemaking
Wine Industry Network Wine Industry Network

The Art of Gentle Winemaking

At the edge of the coastal redwoods lies a ranch where two young doctors from upstate New York, Marguerite (known as Beba) and Paul Frey, settled on 95 acres to raise their family. Their home is nestled between the Mendocino and Coastal mountain ranges in a narrow valley that opens into Mendocino County’s Redwood Valley. The headwaters of the Russian River lie just 5 miles north, past a Buddhist monastery, and upward into the mountains. The Frey family grew to twelve children amid the valley’s natural beauty and abundant native plants and wildlife while its vineyards and gardens thrived in the fertile soil.

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Wine Ingredients
Frey Vineyards Frey Vineyards

Wine Ingredients

Wine is often assumed to be a natural beverage made with just grapes. Sadly, grapes are one of the most heavily sprayed fruits on the market. Conventionally grown grapes come with a litany of chemicals attached to them. In addition, there are over 60 ingredients that may commonly be added during fermentation, cellaring, and bottling. At Frey, all of our wines are made 100% organic from the grape to the glass, so we wanted to share about the differences in our wine ingredients versus other wine ingredients.

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Biodynamic Wine
Frey Vineyards Frey Vineyards

Biodynamic Wine

This year we’re honoring 100 years in Biodynamic Agriculture with the international Biodynamic community. In 1996, Frey Vineyards became the first Biodynamic winery in the United States to achieve Demeter certification. Our estate-grown Biodynamic wine is fermented with the wild yeasts found on the grapes themselves.

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Organic Vineyard
Frey Vineyards Frey Vineyards

Organic Vineyard

It all starts with the soil! So much care and attention is given to nursing and feeding the soil, so that the organic grapes are raised organically from the beginning to the end. Every grape that goes into Frey wine is grown on an organic vine, in a vineyard that respects and utilizes organic practices like composting and cover cropping.

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Organic Wine
Frey Vineyards Frey Vineyards

Organic Wine

At Frey, we pride ourselves on being pioneers in organic wine. When we started the first organic winery back in 1980, organic was not a popular category like it is today. In fact, we faced an incredible amount of work in educating, informing, and spreading information about the organic cause. Over 40 years later, we’re proud to lead the charge for organic wine in the United States. For the Earth, from the Earth: Frey Vineyards!

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