Wine Ingredients
Ingredient labeling is a hot topic in the alcoholic beverage industry these days. The American public is becoming ever more concerned about and engaged in issues of food purity and farming practices. We live in a time where our agriculture and food systems have been assaulted by countless chemicals and additives. People want to know what they are eating and drinking! There is a national movement towards transparent, pure, and local food and beverage, and we want to share with you about this topic as it pertains to wine.
We at Frey are designing our future labels to list ingredients. There are only two main Frey Wine ingredients: grapes and (sometimes) yeast. Our Organic wines are made with organic grapes and organic, non-GMO, gluten-free yeasts. Our Biodynamic wines are made simply with grapes and the native yeasts present on the grape skins, in the air, and in the cellar environment. From the beginning, our approach comes from the understanding that the purest flavors and terroir come from minimal intervention. We have consciously chosen to steer clear of the long list of chemical additives that are considered the industry standard for many producers.
What’s in Frey wine? Simply grapes!
What's in your wine glass?
Wine is often assumed to be a natural beverage made with just grapes. Sadly, grapes are one of the most heavily sprayed fruits on the market. Conventionally grown grapes come with a litany of chemicals attached to them. In addition, there are over 60 ingredients that may commonly be added during fermentation, cellaring, and bottling.
Frey Wine Ingredients
Grapes and Yeast. That's pretty much it. The USDA organic seal is reserved for producers who have used organic grapes and are not adding any sulfites or other synthetic additives and processing aids to their wines. Organic growing and organic winemaking are necessary to feature the USDA organic seal: Frey features this on all of our bottles. That means that we are third-party checked to make sure that our wines meet the highest organic standards.
The USDA Organic seal is featured on every bottle of wine we produce at Frey Vineyards
At Frey, we are still proudly upholding our legacy as the USA's first organic winery because we believe in providing you a pure, clean drink! Over the years we've found that folks appreciate some education about what can be commonly added to "recipe wines" that seek highly predictable, consistent flavor profiles instead of relishing in the nuance of seasonal variations. At Frey, we let the season and site lead.
Organic Grapes Growing at Frey Vineyards
“Made with Organic Grapes”
If you see a label that reads "made with organic grapes," you should know that they may still be adding chemicals during the winemaking process. We are champions of organic agriculture, and we strongly support the movement for wineries to source their grapes from organic viticulture operations. This "made with organic grapes" tier of the organic movement is a step forward that we hope catches on across the industry. However, wines that are "made with organic grapes" can still have chemicals added to their wines during the fermentation process, and that is why you don't see a USDA seal on the labels of this category of wines.
No Sugar Added
One of the most common questions we get asked is, "Do you add sugar to your wines?" Grapes provide all the sugars needed to complete fermentation, and we never add any processed sugars of any kind to our wines. Most other fruits don't have a high enough sugar content to ferment into a stable product without some manipulation. However, in mainstream wines, adding processed sugars or concentrated grape sugar (called must) is allowed. We never add any extra processed sugars to Frey wines. We delight in using the grapes themselves to provide everything we need for a successful and delicious fermentation.
Non-Vegan Wine Ingredients
To be clear, Frey Organic Wines are vegan. We don't ever add animal products to our winemaking process. However, wineries are allowed to add albumen (derived from egg whites), casein (derived from milk), gelatin (derived from various animal parts), isinglass (derived from fish bladders), and other milk products (derived from ruminants) without ever having to put these ingredients on the label. These non-vegan processing aids do not have to be listed on the bottle, so you may be drinking wines that conflict with your dietary restrictions, religious path, or philosophical choices. Frey Organic Wines have been proudly vegan for decades, and we are thrilled to be able to offer an animal-additive-free wine for your enjoyment.
Frey Organic Wines are all Vegan
Allowable Wine Ingredients
Here we go! This is where things get murky: there are all kinds of chemicals and animal products that can be used in conventional winemaking. The FDA and TTB have agreed that the following are GRAS or "generally recommended as safe." While there is government regulation of these substances, that doesn't inspire a ton of confidence, especially for chemically-sensitive individuals.
Rest assured that you can sip a glass of Frey wine while reading about this list, knowing that we don't ever add any of the chemicals on this list. If we do use any processing aids (like bentonite clay and yeast) found on this list, that's because they are organic and keep with our organic winemaking tradition.
The list
Acacia (gum arabic)
Activated carbon
Albumen (egg white)
Ammonium phosphate
Ascorbic acid
Calcium carbonate
Calcium pantothenate
Calcium sulfate
Carbon Dioxide
Casein, potassium
Citric acid
Defoaming agents
Dimethyl dicarbonate
Carbohydrase (alpha-Amylase, beta-Amylase, Glucoamylase, Amylogluco-sidase, pectinase, cellulase, hemicellulase)
Cellulase (beta-clucanase)
Glucose oxidase
Protease (General, Bromelin, Ficin, Papain, Pepsin, Trypsin)
Ethyl maltol
Ferrocyanide compounds
Ferrous sulfate
Fumaric acid
Granular cork
Lactic acid
Malic acid
Malo-lactic bacteria
Milk products
Nitrogen gas
Oak chips or particles
Oxygen and compressed air
Polyvinyl-polypyr-rolidone (PVPP)
Potassium bitartrate, potassium carbonate, potassium citrate, potassium meta-bisulfite
Silica gel
Sorbic acid and potassium salt of sorbic acid
Soy flour
Sulfur dioxide
Tartaric acid
Thiamine hydrochloride
Yeast (autolyzed)
Yeast (cell wall/membrances of autolyzed yeast).
Phew! We made it through that list! Aren’t you glad to know that when you get a bottle of Frey, you’re simply enjoying the fermentation of grapes? We’re very intentionally making wines that are no-sulfites-added, vegan, non-GMO, gluten-free, Organic and Biodynamic that you can drink with the assurance that it’s the cleanest drink out there and has been since 1980.
Frey Vineyards: Uncork the Organic