Biodynamic Vineyard
The Frey Water Tower surrounded by Biodynamic Grapevines
As Biodynamic® pioneers, all of the grapes at the Frey Vineyards home ranch are grown on a biodynamic vineyard. Visiting the Frey home property in Redwood Valley, California, you’ll find a deep devotion to Biodynamic agriculture! Frey Vineyards is the first Biodynamic certified winery in the country! We maintain all of our local vineyards biodynamically. This year, we join the worldwide Biodynamic movement in celebrating the 100th anniversary of Biodynamic Agriculture.
What is a Biodynamic Vineyard?
Like its Organic counterpart, a Biodynamic vineyard is characterized by healthy soil without the addition of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. However, in a Biodynamic vineyard, the expectation for land care is even more holistic. On top of being Organic, Biodynamic agriculture takes our viticulture to another level of land connection and care. As Organic practices have a certification process, so do Biodynamic practices. Demeter certifies Frey Vineyards for Biodynamics.
Sunset over Frey Vineyards
In particular, the focus on the inputs and outputs of a system makes us aware of the soil’s need for fertility aids. Biodynamic tending works with composts and herbal preparations to support the well being of the landscape.
“This encourages a view of nature as an interconnected whole, a totality, an organism endowed with archetypal rhythm.”
At Frey Vineyards, we also make our composts on the land from the grapes, stems, and seeds (pomace) leftover from the winemaking itself. We spray the herbal preparations at coordinated times to achieve the desired results we are looking for optimal grape health.
Additionally, in a Biodynamic vineyard, we aren’t just paying attention to the grape crop, but the areas surrounding the vineyard too. Part of the Demeter certification for a Biodynamic vineyard requires that 10% of the land be preserved for the wild.
From the Demeter Biodynamic Code
A. Necessary Elements of the Farm Organism
1. Biological diversity
A Demeter certified farm must have a minimum of 10% of its total effective land base- clearly documented in a calculated acreage figure- set aside as a biodiversity reserve. This preserves wildlife diversity, endangered species habitat, and provides an overall reserve of diverse life forms to inoculate and inhabit the farm organism.
Environmentally beneficial grazing [in compliance with Section I.E.5] and low impact wild harvest can take place, but each situation will be handled on a case-by-case basis. In situations where there is no potential biodiversity reserve occurring naturally, areas will need to be created.
All botanical species established (natural or planted) at a minimum need to be allowed to develop through the flowering stage to be counted towards the 10%. Examples include insectary plantings, hedgerows, flowering cover crops, perennial plantings along fence lines and roadways, and wildlife corridors. For climates with a winter dormant period the 10% biodiversity reserve requirement applies throughout the entirety of the growing season (Spring through Autumn). For climates with growth year-round the 10% biodiversity reserve needs to be in place year-round.
Biodynamic Farming
Over the years, our Biodynamic program has included caring for farm animals. The presence of animals on the farm are an integral part of our holistic land management at Frey. Rotating different animals through the vineyards helps the animal manures reach the land directly. The animal inhabitants support the fertility of the land, and in turn, the cover crops have supported the animals of the land. Compost, made in situ really epitomizes what Biodynamics mean in an applied context. Instead of shipping enormous quantities of fertilizer from on off-site source, our animals friends help keep the fertility of the land cycling beautifully.
Biodynamic Preparations
What are the Biodynamic Preparations? They’re the cornerstone of Biodynamic agriculture.
“Biodynamic preparations are vitalising additions for soil and plants. As a kind of remedy for the earth, they also promote the growth and quality of the plants and animal health.”
Chickens on the Frey Ranch
Luke Frey, a world-renowned Biodynamic preparations maker, has long been involved in cultivating Biodynamic vineyards at Frey. For many years, Frey Vineyards hosted the regional BDANC with Luke bringing together the local Biodynamic farmers to share good food, good cheer, and Biodynamic practices. Luke, his son Daniel, and Daniel’s wife Molly have all been part of the Biodynamic animal team over the years, rotating sheep, goats, cows, horses, and chickens throughout the vineyards.
Biodynamic Vineyard Management
Additionally, our Vineyard Manager, Derek Dahlen, has a Masters in Biodynamic Agriculture. He has applied his degree to his management of the grapes at Frey Vineyards for the last couple of decades. Derek makes sure that the cover crop rotations support the health of the grapes. Composts and green tilling practices keep the soil nutrition in the soil of our beloved perennial grape.
Derek Dahlen working the harvester
We’re so grateful that our vineyards are being maintained to the highest Biodynamic standard.